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Drama & Theatre

The Churchville-Chili Drama Department is committed to providing student performers of all ages an opportunity to learn about and participate in all areas of the performing arts. Through their participation in one of the many extra-curricular theater club opportunities Churchville-Chili CSD has to offer, students will gain an appreciation for the performing arts as well develop invaluable life skills. Some of the many skills honed in a theatrical setting are: an ability to work and set goals individually and as a team, an ability to think critically and compassionately, public/oral speaking, creative problem solving, time management and adaptability.

Students of all ages may choose to participate in any of our theater-based clubs where they will be exposed to a wonderful tradition of stage performance in a variety of settings. Whether students are first-time performers participating in one of the Drama Clubs, or seasoned performers taking part in a talent show, dramatic play, or full scale musical, the Drama Department offers an opportunity for all students to participate in and be a part of our theatrical community.

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