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CCCSD hosts Darkness to Light event

CCCSD hosts Darkness to Light event

Churchville-Chili Central School District's FLASH Network is providing a Darkness to Light workshop on protecting children this January. 

Adults who care about the welfare of children and are interested in learning about preventing, recognizing and reacting responsibly to child sexual abuse are encouraged to attend the two-hour workshop on Saturday, January 25 from 9-11 a.m. at the MS North Cafe. 

Participants will explore the five steps adults can take to protect children from child sexual abuse. 

  1. Learn the facts
  2. Minimize opportunity
  3. Talk about it
  4. Recognize the steps
  5. React responsibly

Childcare will be provided for school age children.

Anybody interested in attending the workshop can register through the CCCSD Continuing Education website.