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District Clerk

The District Clerk serves as a link between the Board of Education and the District.  Duties and responsibilities of the District Clerk include:

  • Publicize notices of Board of Education (BOE) meetings
  • Post documents on the district's website which are to be reviewed at the BOE meeting
  • Publicize BOE agendas 
  • Record BOE meeting minutes and post on the district's website
  • Publicize legal notices
  • Keep district records
  • Receive legal papers
  • Administer and file Oaths of Office
  • Receive and file absentee ballots
  • Oversee the annual budget and candidate vote
  • Correspond for the BOE 
  • Keep and affix official seal of the school district


Michelle Penner, Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent

Michelle Penner
District Clerk
(585) 293-1800 ext. 2300