BOE Qualifications & Role
BOE Meetings
The CCCSD Board of Education generally meets twice a month from July through June.
Meetings are held in the district's Administrative Board Room located at 139 Fairbanks Rd, near entrance 26 or 24. Meetings are open to the public and community residents are encouraged to attend.
A calendar of meetings is available on this website.
In order to run for the Board of Education, a candidate must be:
able to read and write;
- a qualified voter of the Churchville-Chili Central School District;
- at least 18 years of age; and
- a legal resident of the District for a continuous and uninterrupted period of at least one year prior to an election/appointment.
A candidate may not have been removed from any school district office within the preceding year, may not reside with another member of the same school board as a member of the same household, may not be a current employee of the school district and may not simultaneously hold another incompatible public office, including, but not limited to superintendent, clerk, tax collector or treasurer.
BOE members were presented with student art work during the Board Recognition Meeting in October.
How Do I Become a Candidate for the Board?
The Churchville-Chili Board of Education consists of nine board members; generally, three board seats are open each year. Candidates must be elected by a simple majority of district resident voters.
Each March, petitions and information packets are available at the Churchville-Chili Central School District Administrative Office at 139 Fairbanks Road from the District Clerk. Anyone wishing to run for the Board of Education is required to submit a completed nominating petition no later than 30 days prior to the school district election which is held on the third Tuesday in May. Nominating petitions must be signed by residents of the Churchville-Chili District, and the number of signatures required on the petition is based on the number of residents who voted the previous year but no less than 25 signatures. You may contact Michelle Penner at (585) 293-1800 ext. 2300 starting March 1 to arrange to obtain a nominating petition. State law also requires candidates to file a sworn statement disclosing campaign expenses. If expenses exceed $500, the report must be filed with the Commissioner of Education.
What is the Role of a Board Member?
Board Members are representatives of the community, stewards of district resources, advocates for public education and leaders of the district. Boards of Education act only during publicly convened meetings. A school board is a corporate body and only has power when meeting as a group, not one on one. No one board member can bind the school board to a particular action. Persuasion during open discussion is the only way to influence voting on issues before a school board.
Board members' major responsibilities include setting a direction for the District by establishing goals, standards, policies and strategies that are in alignment with the District's resources and core beliefs and comply with education law. They study labor issues and set parameters for the negotiations process, and upon a vacancy, school boards hire the superintendent for their district. These responsibilities are fulfilled through careful deliberation of comprehensive data, and promoting open communication and transparency among Board, community and district.
The Board oversees the education of students and is responsible for overall district functions. It does not directly run the district's day-to-day operations. Residents are encouraged to share their concerns with board members, with the understanding that you will be expected to follow the chain of command in the district before contacting the Board and all concerns will be shared and deliberated on with all board members.
The Churchville-Chili Board of Education is active in the local community. In addition to board meetings, each board member serves on at least one district committee and several members serve on Monroe County School Board Association Committees.
What is the Commitment?
Board Members:
are supportive of public education and the District's Mission : "The Churchville-Chili Central School District challenges all students to strive for excellence while developing their unique talents and becoming respectful, resourceful citizens and contributing members of an interconnected global society.";
attend board meetings, work sessions and executive sessions;
attend the annual budget vote and capital project votes;
participate in the graduation ceremony;
participate as a member in district committees which meet either monthly, quarterly or annually depending on the committee, and/or Monroe County School Board Association Committees which meet monthly;
are visible at district events – athletics, fine arts, robotics, etc.; and
have the ability to receive digital documents and sign into the district protected area of the website.
How Long is a Term of Office?
Each board term is three years long. Terms are staggered so no more than three board positions are open simultaneously. There is no limit to the number of board terms a person may serve.
How Do I Get More Information and/or Express My Interest?
Contact Michelle Penner, District Clerk, for additional information and to pick up a petition, should you decide you would like to run. She can be reached at (585) 293-1800 ext. 2300. If you are interested in serving our community in this capacity, it is recommended that you make an appointment to meet with Michelle at the District Office.
Sources: Taken in part from the New York State School Boards Association, the Monroe County School Board Association and District policies.