Board of Education
Related Links/ Advocacy
There are several things you can do to ensure our children receive the best education possible. In addition to staying informed on the latest issues affecting education, you can advocate for our students by writing our district and state representatives.
Important links to informative sites and contact information for your representatives can be found below.
Monroe County School Board Assoc.
Churchville-Chili Central School District's Board of Education (BOE) is made up of nine members elected by the community. As individuals, elected board members do not have any decision-making power.
It is only as a nine-member board that we publicly discuss and vote on school business.
BOE Member Responsibility
Our primary duty is to govern the school district by completing three main tasks:
- Hire a superintendent to serve as chief operations officer of ALL school business;
- Set policy for the school district; and
- Work with the Superintendent and the Administrative team to present an annual budget for the entire community to vote on.
Business Meeting
While we do welcome public comments during our business meetings which are held in public, we do not engage in dialogue with community members during these working meetings. The board meeting is a business meeting conducted in public, not a public meeting. The celebrations and informative presentations you see at a board meeting are designed to inform the Board itself of the activity of the school district.
Participation at Board Meetings
The public is welcome at board meetings; however, individuals attending the meetings are asked to be respectful by doing the following:
- sign in at the main table upon arrival;
- be courteous and respectful not to disrupt the meeting;
- be advised that the meetings are public in nature and may be audio/video taped;
- be aware that participants may be subject to search, including any bags brought to the meeting;
- be ready to present identification if asked;
- know that all participants are bound by the Code of Conduct. Prohibited conduct will not be tolerated and may lead to removal from the premises; and
- be aware that defamatory or abusive remarks will not be tolerated and in extreme cases (when physical harm is threatened), the police may be summoned.
Addressing the Board at a Board Meeting
a) teacher, coach or other staff member,
b) school building administrator or other supervisor,
c) superintendent and if not yet solved, then
d) Board of Education.
Large groups representing a similar interest are asked to select a spokesperson. There is a limit of three (3) speakers per meeting and speakers are limited to five minutes each. There is a portion of the agenda set aside to address the Board, which is referred to as “privilege of the floor”. The Board will take the matter under advisement and will notify their findings by mail. The President may terminate the privilege of the speaker who is rude or discourteous or exceeds the time limit and refuses to stop speaking.
Community Involvement
We welcome the input of various stakeholder groups and strongly encourage all community members to participate on district committees. We also encourage all community members to be active within your child’s school community, contribute in public forums, engage in surveys, attend BOE meetings and join us in celebrating all the wonderful things going on in our schools.