My School Bucks
Transaction Fee Information for MySchoolBucks
- MySchoolBucks charges a convenience fee of $2.75 for each transaction.
- The district does not charge the fee.
- This is the same type of fee that banks charge if you use a foreign ATM machine or pay bills online.
Benefits of MySchoolBucks
Scheduled recurring payments
Automatic deposits when your child’s account balance runs low
- Extended purchase history for the past 90 days
- Low balance email notifications
To Access Services
Create or log in to the MySchoolBucks website. You will need is your child’s name, student ID number (needs to be six digits so add zeros to the beginning) and school Zip code (14428).
Things to Know
- If you have more than one child in the district, you can handle all online prepayments from the same online account.
- Payments may be made through an existing PayPal account or with a major or debit card.
- In order to use the online prepayment service, a convenience fee for each transaction will be assessed to cover the bank fees. Families placing money into multiple meal accounts will only be assessed one fee per deposit transaction.
- Ninth Grade Academy students are in the MSS building (lunch program only).
- Money on a student's account can only be used by that student, per Federal Regulations. Parent/Guardian having lunch with their child cannot use their child's account.
- If a senior has a balance on their account at the end of their senior year, the funds will be transferred to their sibling. If they do not have a sibling in the district, a refund will be mailed within 10 days of graduating.
School payments
made easy...
Create or log into your account here.
Turn off all automatic payments and low balance alerts for graduating students or students leaving the district.