Business Services
Churchville-Chili's Business Department works toward the District Goal of promoting cost effectiveness by developing and managing a budget that provides a quality education in a fiscally responsible manner.
Assistant Superintendent
Matthew DeAmaral
Asst. Superintendent for Business Services
(585) 293-1800 ext. 2330
Bonnie Reukauf
Administrative Assistant
(585) 293-1800 ext. 2330
Courtney Panek
Benefits Clerk
(585) 293-1800 ext. 3070
Nancy Sucy
Central Treasurer - Ex. Curr.
(585) 293-1800 ext. 2270
Katherine Guignon
District Treasurer
(585) 293-1800 ext. 2380
Doug McCane
Purchasing Clerk
(585) 293-1800 ext. 2370
Patricia Caldwell
Finance Clerk
(585) 293-1800 ext. 3333
Jacqueline Benoit
Payroll Supervisor
(585) 293-1800 ext. 2260
Debbie Piedmonte
Sr. Accounts Payable Clerk
(585) 293-1800 ext. 2250